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Thursday, November 19, 2009

(I typed this out because it was really hard to read)

There is a handsome tall man, they call the Prophet Joseph Smith. I have heard him preach in the bowery, and he comes to our house sometimes and talks to Father and Mother and lifts me on his knee, so I can hear what he says. He saw the Angel Moroni, and it was this Angel that showed him where the gold plates were hid, that the Book of Mormon was translated from. There was a ring through some of the plates, so he only translated part of them.
He saw God the Father, and his son Jesus Christ, and they gave him a vision and he taught him about this new gospel. It is the same that they used to have when Christ was on the earth. The prophet has twelve apostles. I liked to hear him talk. He loves all little children and notices and talks to them too.
We have nice neighbors, and Mother shows them how to fix their dyes, and she weaves cloth for some of them.
Mother and Father have been baptized, and they say I can be soon, when I understand more. We call all the men brothers and all the women Sister; we go to meeting, and sing and hear them pray and preach, and are so happy. We have another baby boy. His name is Joseph, after the Prophet. I hope he will be as good a man as the Prophet is. I play with the Thomas girl when I get time. Shea has a nice doll with stocking yarn raveled for hair, and a face marked in, I asked Mother to make me one, but she said we had plenty to do besides making and playing with rag dolls, so I can’t have one. I can spin now, and the boys have to wash the dishes and spool and wind yarn.
Mother has made herself and me a new paid flannel dress just alike, and all of the women think they are pretty. We wore them to meeting and the Prophet’s wife said she liked the plaid.
Sister Thomas is sick and Mother and I did her washing along wit ours yesterday and carried the water up a large hiss. We were very tired at night, and went to bed early. I do wish we would have a girl sometimes for a change; I would like a Sister. Our baby is named Harvey Harris, and he has such a red little round face. Mrs. Thomas would hardly believe it when I took her clothes home and told her about the baby.
We have traded our skillet to some new comers for a big one and gave six yards of linsey to boot. Our boys eat so much bread it keeps Mother busy baking all the time.
I was baptized this fall and believe in all the principles of the Gospel. We girls con find plenty to talk about now for we read in the Book of Mormon and Bible. We sometimes walk up to where they are making the Temple.
Time goes so fast. Harvey is nearly two years old and we have another baby boy. His name is Samuel, after the Prophet, and Samuel the Lamanite, who stood on the walls and preached to the people about the coming of the Savoir. The stones and arrows that his enemies aimed at him could not hit him.
We are getting ready to move to Missouri, where the saints are gathering. We are very busy. We have seven boys to make and mend for and our washing and cooking and knitting keeps us busy all the time. The wagon is so full the older boys and I have to walk most of the time, and I have to knit when I do ride, so I can’t look at the sky and the trees, like I did the other time, when we moved. My fingers are sore knitting, and there is so much to do when we camp, but one day we camped near a canyon, and Mother said she thought there would be some wild berries, so Father and I and the two oldest boys took our pails and walked up. ----Had a pleasant evening ----This recalls the many cozy evenings we have spent at home with dear Father and Mother, when we were all young and there, had no interest outside those four walls.”

Our own dear quiet home,
The Eden of our heart.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a neat story! I didn't even know you had created this website Nicole! I love it! Thanks for all you do with family history.
