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Thursday, November 19, 2009



Ethlon Cluff Saline

Another year has passed and gone
With all its cares and joys
And brings another Christmas
Dear to all our girls and boys.

Of all our Father’s blessings
His greatest gift to earth
The World believes came on this day
That hails the Christ Child’s birth.

But the Lord revealed to Joseph Smith
That the birthday of his Son
Came on the 6th of April
Beginning with the year one.

When the Shepherds who were watching
Their flocks on the hill by night
Saw the light that appeared in the heavens
They were filled with wonder and fright.

But when they heard the angels singing
The words of that beautiful song
That told them of Christ the Savior
Fort whom the world had waited so long.

Guided by the words of the angels
They hastened on their way
Until they came to the stable
The place where the Holy One lay.

With the cattle lowing around Him
In the manger he peacefully lay
Him who was born Savior of the world
Wrapped in swaddling cloth upon the hay.

When the wise men cam to Herod
And asked where the child could be found
He answered and said, ”I know not.
You go search the whole country “round.”

Savior – 2-

“When you have found and worship Him
This favor I would ask of you,
Return and tell me about it
That I may go and worship Him too.”

Knowing the desire of Herod’s heart
The Lord warned them not to obey
When they found and worshiped the child
To return home another way.

This made King Herod very angry
And determined his desire to gain
Ordered all the little boy babies
In the country “round to be slain.

Joseph, warned by an angel, fled to Egypt
Where Mary and the child would be safe
To remain until King Herod was dead
And another King had taken his place.

In Bethlehem’s beautiful valley
Hills covered with grass and flowers
There with His brothers and sisters
He spent His childhood’s happy hours.

Joseph was only a carpenter
But very proud of the title he’d won.
Jesus helped him in the carpenter’s shop
And was known as “The Carpenter’s Son.”

Not much is said of his childhood days
But at twelve we read of Him when
He went to the Temple at Jerusalem
To converse with Doctors and Wise men.

At the He sensed His mission
And He had no desire to shirk
When found He said to His mother, ”Wist not
I must be about my Father’s work?”

When he came to the river of Jordan
To John the Baptist to be Baptized
It was then the Havens were opened
The people gazed with awe and surprise.

For as He came forth from the water
And His mission on earth had begun
God Himself spoke from the heavens
Saying, “This is my beloved Son.”

Savior – 3-

From there He was led by the Spirit
To the mountains where he wandered alone
There He fasted and prayed to the Father
To give Him strength for the trials to come.

When He had fasted forty days and nights
Satan came to Him and said,
“If thou are truly the Son of God
Why don’t you turn these stones into bread.”

On the pinnacle of the Temple
Satan said, ”Cast thy self down
Angels will be sent to sustain thee
Less you bruise your feet on the ground.”

Again Satan came to tempt Him
Determined His favor to win
Offered Him all the wealth of the world
If he would fall down and worship him.

Jesus answered, “Get behind me Satin
For this is the written word
Thou shalt worship God the Father
And Him only shalt thou serve.

When He returned to Jerusalem
And entered that holy temple of prayer
He found them buying and selling
And the money changers there.

Then in His majesty and power
For that hey could not doubt
And with a whip He made from rope
And quickly drove them out.

Many miracles He performed
Of Him it is truly said;
“He not only healed the sick and blind
But he also raised the dead.”

His first miracle was at Canna
At a wedding where wine was served at this time
When the wine gave out they asked for more
Then Jesus turned water into wine.

Lazarus had been dead for several days
His sisters were filled with sorrow and gloom
They sent for Jesus, He bid him arise
And Lazarus walked forth from the tomb.

Savior -4-

In choosing His apostles
From among the fisherman
He said to them, ”Come follow me,
And I will make you fishers of men.”

He taught the people in parables
And among them is recorded this one
That tells the beautiful story
Of the Good Samaritan.

Again we find Him preaching
Along the shores of Galilee
To the multitude who had followed
That with Him they might be.

When the multitude grew tired and hungry
His apostles said send them for food
And with five loaves and three fishes
Then Jesus fed the multitude.

But the Savior rebuked them, saying
In a voice so tender and mild
“if thou would enter the Kingdom of God
You must become as a little child.

With the multitude sanding round Him
His love for the children see
He took them in His arms and blessed them
Saying, “Let the little ones come unto me.”

On his last trip to Jerusalem
He wished some dear friends to see
So he stopped at the home of Lazarus
The place where He always love to be.

He loved them and they loved the Master
He raised Lazarus from the dead
Mary had chosen the better part
And anointed His feet and head.

And as they entered the city
The apostles who were with Him then
Hastened on that they might prepare a feast
And He ate His last supper with them.

Savior -5-

With His apostles seated “round Him
He blessed the bread and wine saying,
“Eat in remembrance of my flesh and blood
Given as a ransom for all mankind.

And on that solemn occasion
They were surprised to hear Him say,
“There’s one of you assembled here
Who will His Lord betray.”

“What you do, do quickly,” and he turned to Judas
To whom enemies had promised to pay
Just thirty pieces of silver
If he would his Master betray.

These are His words as He prayed at Gethsemane
“Father, if possible remove this cup
Yet if it be they will, oh Father
I will gladly drink it up.”

Then came His enemies led by Judas
He sign that he gave them was this
He came near and said, “Hail Master.
”then gave the betrayal kiss.

When the Sahedran tried to arrest Jesus
Peter with sword cut one man’s ear off then
Jesus rebuked him in a kindly way
Picked up the ear and paced it on again.

After Judas had betrayed his Master
He repented of what he had done
And offered to give back the silver
But Satan had triumphed and won.

He was taken before Pontus Pilate
Hoping that we would condemn
But he found no fault and said, “I’ll wash
My hands of the blood of this man.”

Let His blood be on us and our children
And let the Blasphemer die.”
And as they lead Him forth from the room
They cried “Crucify: Crucify:”

The even spit upon Him
And with curses they mocked Him and said
“Save thyself thou King of the Jews.”
And placed a crown of thorns on His Head.

Savior -6-

Carrying His cross He was lead to Mt. Calvary
Where He was doomed to die
Upon that cross between two thieves
And when He knew the end was nigh.

To His mother and John who stood near the cross
Where in agony He hung
He said, ”John, this is thy Mother
Mother, hence fort his is thy Son.”

Still in His heart burned a love for His people
And he uttered these words so true
“Father in Heaven, forgive them
For they know not what they do.”

Upon the cross He uttered these words
As he hung there in agony
“My God: My God:
Why has Thou forsaken me.”

In the book of St. Luke it tells us
That His last request on earth
Was just a drink of water
With which to quench His thirst.

His friend would have given him water
By His enemies it was denied
And when they gave Him gall to drink
He dropped His dead and died.

Then came Joseph, a disciple of Jesus
And wishing his own tomb to share
With the mater, he asked for his body
That he might bury Him there.

In fear the Jews and the Romans
Lest some one might come and steal
The body and say it had risen
Placed upon the tomb Pilate’s seal.

But while the soldiers watching slept
The angel rolled the stone away
And He came forth a resurrected being
And first fruits of the resurrection day.


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